New Japan Radio NJRC NJT5118 series (Standard Ku-band 8W BUC)
The NJRC NJT5118 series BUC is a compact outdoor block upconverter that provides up to +39 dBM (8 Watts) of Linear RF output power for use on Ku-band satellite networks (14.00 to 14.5 GHz).. This compact 8W Ku-Band BUC offers easy installation and setup. The NJT5118 also includes provisions for a separate AC power supply that accepts input voltages from 90V to 240 VAC.
Key Features
* High Efficiency & Low Distortion
・P1dB: +39 dBm min. over temperature
・IM3: -28 dBc @ Pout = +36 dBm
・Power Consumption: 79 W
Wide Operating Range of DC Power Operation
Voltage Range: +18 to +60 VDC
Compact Size & Light Weight
・Weight: 3.2kg
* LED Indicator
* RoHS Compliance